2023: Former lawmaker declares to run for office of governor of C’River in his Adiabo home town

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A former Nigerian lawmaker of Cross River indigenisation has declared to vie for the high office of governor of the state in view of the 2023 forthcoming general elections billed across the country and 36 states of the federation NEGROIDHAVEN can report authoritatively.

Prince Bassey Edet Otu who at the zenith of his lawmaking/political representation career in 2011 to 2015 represented Cross River Southern Senatorial District at the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Friday at the Adiabo Efut ward in Odukpani LGA notified the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC of his intention to run for the office of executive governor of Cross River.

While addressing the public, Prince Otu observed that as a lawmaker he served the peoples of both Nigeria and his immediate constituency/senatorial district. He further said that it is his conviction that a prosperous Cross River can be built.

His words, ‘Today, I’ve come out here to tell you that we’ve come to that period called transition where power has to change hands in the year 2023. I have taken time, after some very rigorous research and very dependable coordinates and data come to the conclusion that we can build a prosperous Cross River state. We want to build a Cross River state where no nobody will sleep without good food, we want to build a Cross River state where each and everyone of us will live and be happy.

‘Yes, I want to believe that it is love that all of you here today has come out here to express, I can’t thank you enough. but, I want to let you know that as a family the challenge is for us to take Cross River to the next level.’

Continuing, the frontline guber aspirant said that contrary to insinuations that he is showing up late, Otu explained that he had homework to do after which he is certain he has the credentials to vie for governor of the state.

According to him, ‘I have had pressures from all quarters to come out. Some people say I’m coming a little late, I said no because of the homework I had to do.

‘I have looked at the state and have come to the conclusion that it is only a man with vast experience, it is only a man who is connected to the grassroot, it is only a man who understands the problems of the common man, and that it is only a man who is connected in the three senatorial districts of the state, that it is only a man who can open any door in the national, and that is it is only a man who is internationally accepted… and by every seriousness one can think of, that I am ready to serve you as incoming governor of Cross River state.’

Otu disclosed that he has categorised Cross River’s developmental needs into 13 thematic areas. He said at the state declaration, he will lay his blueprint bare.

Dignatories present at the occasion are Rt Hon Bassey Akiba FOR chairman and house member Odukpani, Mr Edem Anam APC chapter chairman Odukpani, Rt. Hon. Chris Eta former representative Boki/Ikom federal constituency, Hon Maurice Ekpo Iso for chairman Calabar Municipality, many special advisers and assistants to the Governor led By Hon Boniface Okache and chief Felix Edem, students groups, youth groups, support groups, traditonal rulers and clergies.