Ayade’s Industrialisation: 31 wasted initiatives of Gov Ben Ayade

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In his recent piece, ‘Nwayo Nwayo’, Agba Jalingo a Nigerian journalist has highlighted 31 industrialisation efforts of the Governor of Cross River state. These are initiatives of Ayade for the past six years which Jalingo thinks are wasted.

His words, ‘No matter how good intentioned you may be as a leader, you cannot do everything. Drain the swamp. Prioritize. Is there still time? I don’t know! Succession struggle will soon begin and it saps faster than COVID. And see the wasted list Governor Ayade gave us. How many of these can you personally tick, even if you are his appointee?

Excerpt of the 31 wasted efforts are thus listed:

1. The Superhighway

2. The Spaghetti Flyover

3. Calas Vegas city

4. The Calachika automated poultry processing industry

5. The Odukpani Banana plantation

6. The 30,000 tonnes cotton farm in Soda, Yala

7. The automated cocoa processing factory in Ikom

8. Ekori toothpick factory, Yakurr LGA

9. Calapharmaceutical Industry in Calabar

10. The rice seeds and seedlings factory at the Ayade Industrial Hub, Calabar

11. The Deep Seaport

12. The garment factory

13. The Cross River Micro Finance Bank

14. CallyAir

15. Obudu International Cargo Airport

16. PetroCross

17. Ogoja Ultra Modern Rice Mill

18. Fabrication Academy of West Africa in Calabar

19. Pole, piles and pylon factory in Akamkpa.

20. 23megawatt power plant in Calabar.

21. Dualization of Obudu-Bekwara-Ogoja-Okuku road

22. Teachers training college in Biase.

22. Canadian University in Obudu.

23. Mopol 75 Barracks in Obudu

24. Obubra Cassava plantation

25. Ayade ultra modern resort in Amunga, Obanliku.

26. Centricourt city in Central Cross River

27. Northicourt city in northern Cross River

28. Bakassi Returnees estate

29. Three specialist hospitals for AyadeCare in three Senatorial districts

30. 15million dollars cocoa city with Israeli Bean & Co. Global Ltd

31. Social Housing for Cross Riverians

And several others that I don’t remember…