FCE OBUDU PROVOSTSHIP: Central Senatorial District Should be Given a Chance, it Shouldn’t be an ‘Obudu Thing’

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Efio-Ita Nyok|7 May 2016|5:10pm

Advertisement into the Office of Provost of the Federal College of Education, Obudu, has recently been made by the Federal Ministry of Education; and concerned applicants, eight in number, have already indicated interests in the top job of FCE, Obudu. However, it has been brought to the notice of Negroid Haven as well as other concerned onlookers, that there is an element of ethno-chauvinism, from some quarters of our dear state, that is committed to impacting rather negatively on the process of selection for the office under review. This tribalistic arrogance assert that the Office of the Provost should be ceded exclusively to academics who are indigenes of the host community, where the federal college is incidentally domiciled.

In graphical terms, some of our brothers and sisters from Obudu LGA and by extension northern senatorial district of the state are demanding that, an indigenous academic from the host community be appointed as Provost. Nevertheless, there have been dissenting voices who are arguing against this method of selection. This later voices are asking for a level playing ground. The two camps all have their justifications. For instance, the pro-Obudu/anti-north camp would certainly be saying —'this is our time'; for my brothers and sisters in the north, it's time for us to take the reigns of the state, we have been marginalised profoundly until now! This is their only prevailing ethno-chauvinistic logic. On the other hand, the anti-Obudu/anti-north camp argue that, the selection of the office under review should follow the rotational logic that have characterised our culture or way of living in this country hitherto. At the end of this article, one should be able to tell which camp should be listened to.

Historically speaking, the Federal College of Education, Obudu was established in 1982. Then, the principals/provosts where mainly from south-western and south-eastern Nigeria until about fifteen (15) years ago where Professor Bisong Bisong from Boki LGA and thus central senatorial district of the state was appointed as provost of the college. Prof. Bisong stayed for a short lived tenure of only two (2) years as provost because of crisis in the college caused by the host community. Shortly after the stint of Prof. Bisong another provost, Dr. Joseph Ntibi, was appointed from Akpabuyo LGA, an Efik man, by implication from southern senatorial district of the state who stayed for a relatively elongated period of eight (8) years. After Dr. Ntibi's stay, an Obudu-born provost, Mr. Ibili, was appointed; who performed abysmally poor such that the governing council of the school couldn't allow him make another tenure. Consequently, the position of provost has been vacant since last year 2015. An acting head from Akwa Ibom State is currently manning the office.

From the above history, one understands that the three senatorial districts have had their fare share on the office under review. A cycle has been complete. If the cycle first started with the central senatorial district wouldn't it be fare enough to allow it continue in that fashion? Shouldn't interested parties from central CRS be given preferences? To begin with, granted this is a higher academic institution of a federal character, and so position of leadership shouldn't be based on the sentiment of the state where the institution is domiciled; even the brief history above support this. However, if one were to go by the federal character principle that emphasises preferences for designated sections of the state, one will understand that the rotational logic once referred to will entertain support. If it entertained support during the selection of the office of the governor of the state, if it enjoyed support during the selection of the occupant of the office of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, a similarly higher academic institution of a federal standing, why should we look the other way round when it comes to FCE, Obudu? Why must we begin to talk about Obudu LGA? This is an aberration!

Even if the Obudu sentiment were to be given consideration, you would agree with me that the Obudu people have been given a fare slice of the cake: we have an Obudu-born Governor in Ben Ayade; an Obudu-born Vice Chancellor in Zana I. Akpagu; must we extend the slice further with an Obudu-born Provost of FCE, Obudu? Methink, the response should be in the negative. To succumb to the Obudu LGA sentiment is to demonstrate that the ethnic bigotry in us all shouldn't be curbed/contained. The rotational logic is not a best policy as it enthrones tribalism over proficiency but it is better than an ethno-chauvinistic logic because the later is altogether self centered. Rotation, however defective, allows for fairness and justice.

Fairness and justice in turn secures unity in the state. In other words, a rotational logic, as against an ethno-chauvinistic logic secures the trio of fairness and justice amongst Cross Riverians as well as unity amongst the over 3 million inhabitants and indigenes of the state. Conversely, to tow the self serving route of an ethno-chauvinistic logic in the selection of the new Provost of FCE , Obudu is to further plunge the state into disunity, enthrone the ignoble values injustice and unfairness.

I am by this premises making a clarion calling to all relevant stakeholders to wade into the ongoing interview and subsequent selection of the next Provost of FCE, Obudu to enthrone the values of fairness, justice and unity in Cross River by ceding the position to central senatorial district of the state.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven