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Efio-Ita Nyok|3 June 2016|6:16am

Cross River State Green Police Volunteers Scheme is the brainchild of  Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade led administration of Cross River State. It was inaugurated Thursday 26 May 2016.

Basically, its job description revolves around being 'an anti-deforestation task force'; thus in his address on the 26 May, His Excellency the Governor was reported to have said, 'for every single forest, God has put in it medicine, food and everything mankind needs, hence the need to protect and manage the forest jealously'.

However, critics, namely, Peter Offem Ubi, Ifere Paul and Efio-Ita Nyok the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven), of the policy have raised important observations. Below are the exact statements of these critics. We will begin with Ifere Paul's:

Ifere Paul
In other to make up the 1500 names of employment promises to Cross Riverians in the Garment Factory, the Governor Ben Ayade nomination list for the GF employment has a duplication & replication of names.

Some names appeared more than twice while others even appeared three times. Some names have fake birthdays, while others have more than one birthday just like Ayade who has three.

Other names are from different paternal families and council wards but bearing the same family names and birthdays.

It is sad that one man (Governor Ben Ayade) thinks he's intelligent. Cross Riverians, check name number 1&2, 4&5, and then go download other names nominal spread sheet and see for yourselves.

Governor Ben Ayade is a fraud. Even my computer said so.

Paul's observation revolves around a perceived and alleged fraudulent move by His Excellency to make up the GP employees climaxes 1500 volunteers. He particularly draws attention to the fact that there are duplication and replication of names, birthdays, wards, etc. Could it be a mere typographical error or could it be deliberate fraud which Ayade or his aides didn't anticipate Ifere Paul will uncover?

Peter Offem Ubi
Now the queation is: What are the logistical plan? Cross Riverians should ask what accommodational structure is in place for them in the forest?

… Where is the command and control headquarters? Since the governor is on record for the officers to police all state boundaries, will there be conflict of interest with the federal agency in charge under the Ministry of Interior?

Many questions to ask, inspite of the governors good effort.

For Ubi, his criticisms covers logistics and specific job description. With regards to the former, Ubi ask whether provisions for accommodation in the forest for the volunteers have been taken care of by Ayade? Besides, where is the command and control headquarters of the scheme? How will the volunteers be administered? Finally, he drew attention to the fact that considering that their brief revolves around anti-deforestation and manning the borders, won't it provoke contention between the GP and Ministry of Interior? Did Ayade anticipate this?

Efio-Ita Nyok
The usage already suggest 'preference', because if it wasn't preferred in the first place, it would not have been used by your principal. My challenge is why the preference?

Is preference for a particular metaphor justifiable enough to make usage legitimate?

What informed the preference, please?

Nyok was challenging the use of 'volunteer' for the nomenclature of the scheme: Cross River State Green Police Volunteers Scheme. According to him, a volunteer is someone who works without need for remuneration. Nyok ask: won't the 1500 volunteers be paid?

This is even compelling him to further ask if the CRSGPVS was budgeted for in the 2016 Appropriation Law? Are they employees of the state civil service? Where they given Letters of Employment?

These are the matters arising from the 26 May's commissioning of the Cross River State Green Police Volunteers Scheme? It would be worthwhile if His Excellency, the Executive Governor or his aides address themselves to resolving these quandary. The earlier the better.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven)