Publisher of NegroidHaven, Efio-Ita Nyok, is a year older!

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Efio-Ita Nyok receiving the ‘Future Leaders: 50 Young People to Watch’ award on 25th May 2017 
Our Correspondent|12 June 2017

The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of leading online news platform in Cross River, NegroidHaven, is an anniversary older Monday, 12th June our press outfit can authoritatively inform. 
Mr Nyok, a Nigerian, Cross Riverian, Efik was born in Surulere Lagos in the ’80s to Mr Gabriel Nyok Etim-Enifon of Anwa Enang Ekpo-Edem in Akpabuyo LGA, and Mrs Edak: He is of the Ekpo Edem Royal House from his paternal lineage and the Ntiero Edem Effiom Ekpo Royal House from his maternity. 
He attended Jack ‘n Day Primary School, Navy Town, Lagos and Central Primary School, Owerrinta, Abia State; proceeded to Government Secondary School, Owerrinta, Abia; St. Patrick’s College, Ikot Ansa, Calabar and Government Science School (now Government Technical College), Mayne Avenue, Calabar; and graduated from the Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar, Calabar (UNICAL) with Second Class (Upper) degree from the Department of Philosophy, 2013. 
Professional Courses 
*In-plant Management training organised by NegroidHaven, December 2016 
*Work Ethics and Organizational Productivity organised by Skil-Hub, 2016
*Brand Recognition & Loyalty, by Skil-Hub, 2016
*Blogging for Gains with Philip Obin
*Conflict Assessment organised by PIND Foundation, April 2017 
*Supporting Effective Tobacco Control in Nigeria, CISLAC, May 2017 
If Dr Timothy Lahaye’s temperament theory is anything to go by, Nyok is primarily an extrovert. Albeit, when one give a closer consideration to the idea of temperament blends, it suffices to say that he has both extrovertish and introvertish blends. 
Specifically, it’s commonly said he is a super extrovert (sanguine) and a mild introvert (melancholy); thus, Nyok is, temperamentally inferring, a Sanguine-Melancholy (SanMel).
Mr Nyok did his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) at Ara, Ijero LGA, Ekiti State. 
He has been Class Representative during his undergraduate days in UNICAL; a controversial student activist who rose through the rank and file to be the Chief-in-Caucus of National Association of Philosophy Students, University of Calabar chapter,  represented students of the Department of Philosophy at the Senate of the Faculty of Arts Students Association (FASA-UNICAL) in 2011; he also represented students of the Faculty of Arts at the Senate of the Student Union of the University of Calabar (2012); he has been an electoral committee member of/represented Students of Cross River Southern Senatorial District at the apex students body of Cross River State, namely, National Association of Cross River State Students (NACRISS) worldwide (2013) and has been President of Government Technical College Old Students Association (GOCTCOSA) (2012-2014).
Academic Researches
Nyok is published in learned journals. He has authored academic works (with Nelson Osuala and Joseph Odok Esq., Ph.D, namely,

*The Nexus between Social Science and Ideology: A  Philosophical Contemplation published in the International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (IJPCS)
*Globalisation, Americanisation or EuropeanisationAnIbuanyidandaist Critique presented at The Premiere Edition of Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar, International Conference, hosted by Professor D. N. Oluwabugbemi-Jacob on 14 April 2016;

*The Emerging African Person: Paradoxes and Contradictions (Being a paper to be presented at the 2nd African world philosophy conference held in University of Calabar on October 2017 with theme: The state of African philosophy Today.) 

*The Problem of Good and Evil (a book chapter yet to be published this year). 

Membership of CSOs/Associations
*Partnership for Peace in the Niger Delta 
*De-Mandate Advocate 
*Future Leaders Network 
*Niger Delta Online Media Practitioners of Nigeria (NAOMPON) 

*On November 2016, One Million Cross River Indigenes Online highlighted Nyok as ‘Personality of the Week’. 
*On December, 2016 a ‘team of social media analysts’ based in Calabar, Cross River nominated Nyok as Cross River ‘Facebook Personality of the Year’. 
*On January, 2017 a syndicate of social commentators/public affairs analyst based in Cross River awarded Nyok, ‘2016 Cross River Blogger of the Year’ 
*On May, 2017 he was nominated/ awarded ‘Future Leaders: 50 Young People to Watch’ by Profiles and Biographies Initiative. 

Higher Purpose 
On the pursuit of what some call a higher purposeNyok believes that he is designated to ‘SPEAKING the TRUTH to POWER as well as ACTING against the CONSTRAINTS that IGNORANCE  secures‘. 

On achieving this vision, he has outlined six instruments, call them hobbies if you like, namely
*Business and 

For Philosopher Nyok, ‘Love is the greatest course/purpose’. And by love he understands it to mean ‘that course that persistently and selflessly secures the interest of the opposite other’. 

He therefore acknowledges constituent units of Love. Any move to objectify the unit over the opposite other or the englobing system of Love itself is Hatred, according to him. This is the Evil that is much talked-about. 

Philosopher Nyok doesn’t see units, except that he sees it in the whole. Neither does he conceives the whole without constituents. 

Particularly inferring, there is neither Efik, or Atam; there is no southern Nigeria or northern Nigeria; there is no West Africa or Southern Africa; there is no Africa or Europe; there is no Global North or Global South; there is no Black race or White race; Roman Catholic or Protestant; Muslim or Christian; there is no Theist or Atheist; etc. In fact, there is no Unit except it is recognized in the context of the Whole. He summarised this preceding sentiments once like this — ‘There is no unit except it is united, neither is there unison except it is unitary!’. 

Finally, we pray that God grant Nyok the required span of life, soundness of mind/health as well as needed grace to ultimately actualise his purpose. From all of us at NegroidHaven, it’s a Apy birthday. 
NegroidHaven… Truth in view of Africa’s liberty!