Political Parties should not be covens for the corrupt militant robbers —by Joseph Odok

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Joseph Odok|8 August 2017 
Of recent I have gone through some persecutions, the main reasons seem to be due to my media activities. Most people have advised me to leave Facebook and rest, my response to them is that I can't leave Facebook especially now that I have got a voice to speak for the oppressed. 
People have the courts to challenge defamation of character, but  these days politicians use cultists, murderers and the police to silence any voice that expose how they have turned so many Nigerians into jobless beggars, how they have squandered monies meant for project and infrastructure, how they have used and dumped some youths in the streets and prisons, how they have collapsed our educational system, how they have squandered public funds and transferred same to foreign accounts, how they have shared contracts and appointments to themselves in exclusion of the youths and women etc.  
These politicians are heartless and desperate. They can kill and maim any voice that threaten their chances of a return ticket. Most people call and warn me to be careful because they don't want to loss me. I am not scared, I will continue to speak because my vocation is to be a change agent. My vocation is to purify the political space. 
The politicians spend all times gathering monies to buy their tickets for the next elections. They are ready to spend money bribing security agencies, EFCC, ICPC than develop any talent. Their fears is losing power and can only give peanuts to militants-turned-attack-dogs. To have turned us to beggars so that we can't contest elections. Their reason is simply to perpetuate themselves in power and to hold power until they die in power or transfer power to their children or political thugs. 
Of recent these persons have become harlots of political parties. Once they eat and lose trust from one political party, they move to another party and begin spending monies to groom new attack dogs. 
In political parties, they make it a norm that no one attacks them as a mark of party loyalty. Any one who attacks them is tagged a rebel and frustrated. Their method is to destroy the source of income of their critics of kill. They brainwash youths to feel that exposing their evils amounts to anti-party. To my best of knowledge, no political party is a coven for looters. It is time we begin to expose our common  enemies despite being in same political party. No party fashions oppression or corruption as it's  party manifestos. 
Youth and lovers of democracy must rise up to retire liabilities in our political space. These desperadoes should either be sent to political exile or retired from politics. Our votes is our strength and the time to purify our political space is now. These destroyers of our common future are in APC as well as PDP, it is time to love our state than align with looters because we belong to same political party. 
Lovers of democracy from Cross River State should freely share this message until we achieve needed change. 
Joseph Odok 
Social Change Agent