Re : Owan-Enoh : Aide Absconds With . 95B naira of Senator’s Money, Cripples Campaign Structure —by Efio-Ita Nyok

Reading Time: 2 minutes

7 April 2018 
A publication alleging that a certain amount belonging to Sen. John Owan Enoh was stolen by his supposed aide named Gaius Chibueze by an online blogger (Efio-Ita Nyok) is a blatant lie.
Gaius Chibueze was an aide to Distinguished Senator until December 2017 were he resigned to face his online business career. No such amount was reportedly missing by the Distinguished Senator.
The story by NegroidHaven is totally fake and very unprofessional for a reputable online media outfit like his. The publication has no definite amount and looks confusing. The caption says 95 Billion but the body of the publication says 950 million, 800 million and 70 million respectively. The different amount mentioned in the publication does not correlate. It therefore shows that the blogger has no veritable facts or information on the said issue and should desist from any issue he has no verifiable source. 
For me, who is a very close ally to Distinguished Senator, I have never heard anything like that from my boss. The Senator has not complained of financial challenges. He is not owing his staff neither has he relented in his act of giving and solving both financial problems and other issues of his constituents.
Sen John Owan Enoh is yet to declare for an office in the forthcoming 2019 General elections and at such, he is yet to set up a campaign structure. No campaign structure was crippled. 
The publication by one Efio-Ita Nyok is aimed at getting to the Senator for unscrupulous and lugubrious reasons.
Nobody absconded with any amount belonging to the People's Senator and any information or publication inferring such is false and will attracts legal actions. Disregard such.
Justin Obongha
Media Aide to Distinguished Senator John Owan Enoh.
It's street knowledge that Chibueze stole money from Owan-Enoh, if not, where's he? Can he be produced. Why hadn't he denied the report. 
I have audio recordings of a very close ally who conceded to the truthfulness of this report. If demanded for, I can produce it. That's my verification.  
See previous story that inspired the above reaction and the uncoordinatedness of the above press release by Owan-Enoh's so-called media aide. 
OWAN-ENOH : Aide absconds with .95 billion naira of Senator's money, cripples campaign structure :