Reading Time: 6 minutes


My beloved brothers and sisters,

I greet you this day with utmost love and commitment to our fraternity and desire for the progress and well being of our cherished Federal Constituency, which must never at any time be compromised.

I am overwhelmed by gratitude as I recall your massive support for my candidature, which culminated in your voluminous votes for me, in the height of the unprecedented harassment and intimidation that was visited on our permanently peaceful community, by those who felt the privilege of leadership and king making had become strictly appropriated to them, as if we were existing in a world where there is no God. To God indeed be the glory for our triumph. This is why I keep feeling challenged to serve you in a manner you shall feel justified for reposing confidence in me. I assure you that this challenge remains my guiding spirit and I pray fervently for God’s unfailing guidance and protection, so that I may never derail from it, for our collective good.

You may wish to observe that in the trajectory of our Federal Constituency, celebration of one year in office by elected representatives of the people, is strange. That I have opted to engage in it is in strict conformity with my unrepentant stance and incurable desire to always be in touch with my people, to feel the pulse of our challenges and prospects, as a gateway to forging a future that is in conformity with our desires. It may have been conceived as a wrong path by many before me. For me, being always with the people is an indelible step in the right direction. That is why from the onset, I undertook a needs assessment tour of our Constituency, to obtain first hand information on our desires, to guide me in my agitation for our fair share of the dividends of democracy. So, kindly accept me as I am and please do not begrudge me for always coming around to know how we feel, as a springboard to the actualisation of our collective desires. To say the least, I appreciate you all.

It is obvious that in the past one year, it may not have been very smooth, with the obvious reality that all our aspirations may not have been accomplished. I however make bold to declare that with your continued prayers and support, and within the ambit of our possibilities, our effort has been rewarded in the following modest strides.


1. A Motion for the immediate rehabilitation of the abandoned Obudu Dam Resort. (The Contract has been awarded for the rehabilitation of the Obudu Dam Resort).

2. A co-sponsored motion (with other Cross River law makers) which raised alarm that the country was on the verge of losing some parts of Cross River State to Cameroon.

3. Presentation of a petition on the floor of the House from some constituents who felt that they were unjustly withdrawn from the University of Calabar.

4. Co sponsored Motion against the Demarcation and Ceding of Danare and Biajua Communities in Cross River to the Republic of Cameroon.

5. A Motion On The Need To Investigate The Indiscriminate Issuance Of “Certificate Of No Objection” by the Bureau of Public Procurement.


A Bill for the establishment of a Federal University of Technology in Obanliku, Cross River State.


1. Commencement of installation of solar street lights in some communities in Obanliku LGA.

2. Construction of solar powered borehole in Sankwala Market.

3. Construction of solar powered borehole, Toilets and installation of Street Lights at Obudu old Market Park.

4. Construction of solar borehole and toilet in Bekwarra Motor Park.

5. Commencement of installation of Solar Street Lights in Bekwarra LGA beginning with Beten and Nyanya.

6. Construction of boreholes in Bebuenkayang and Bayaga communities.

7. Commencement of installation of solar street lights in Obudu LGA beginning with Kubong Bette, Kutiang, Begiaba, Ukwel Obudu, Ukanbi, Utugwang South, Alege/Ubang and PHC Obudu.


1. Distribution of hand pumps and herbicides to farmers in Obudu, Bekwarra and Obanliku.

2. Distribution of machines and Grinding engines to over 50 constituents in Obudu.

3. Distribution of sewing machines and motorcycles to selected beneficiaries in Bekwarra LGA

4. Distribution of hand pumps and herbicides to farmers in Bekwarra

5. Distribution of hand pumps, herbicides and liquid fertilizers to Obanliku female farmers.

6. Entrepreneurial training/empowerment of young ladies in hair dressing and make-up business in Obanliku LGA

7. Entrepreneurship training and distribution of hair-making and make-up kits for hair stylists in Obudu

8. Distribution of food stuff to widows across the ten wards of Obudu

9. Distribution of food items to widows across the political wards of Obanliku LGA

10. Distribution of food stuff to widows and people living with disabilities in the 10 wards of Bekwarra

11. Distribution of incentives, gift packages and cash to constituents, unions and associations across Obanliku, Obudu and Bekwarra LGA for new yam celebrations.

12. Facilitated jobs and Recruitment for several constituents through recommendation. Five (5) of my constituents are currently in NDLEA while Two (2) have been gainfully employed at the Federal College of Education,Obudu

13. Financial Support to 21 Constituents going to Law School.

14. Distribution of Free Jamb forms to over 300 Constituents in Obudu, Bekwarra and Obanliku.

15. Launching of the Peter Akpanke Free Mega Medical Outreach to over 10,000 Constituents in Obudu, Bekwarra and Obanliku. In this regard, it is on record that the following were achieved.

• Total number of registered patients for medical, surgical, and eye check-ups: 10,456.

• Number of medical consultations/patients seen: 10,203.

• Medications dispensed: Antimalarial, Antidiabetics, Antifungal, antibiotics, haematinics, antihypertensives, analgesics, immune boosters, supplements, etc.

• Total number of surgeries booked: 131

• Total number of successful surgeries performed: 112

• Continuous health education throughout the 7 days of the outreach

• Referrals made: 19 surgical cases referred.

16. Distribution of Exercise books to public schools in OBO Federal Constituency and regular payment of school fees for orphans and the less privileged

17. Award of University Scholarship to the Best Performing 2024 JAMB candidate from our Federal Constituency.

18. Bursary Registration for students is ongoing.

19. Facilitation of installation of GSM Network in Utanga and other erstwhile under privileged communities in the Federal Constituency. More are in the pipeline.


1. Operation of a grassroot compliant and open door representation, with maximum accessibility, where every constituent has access to me, except when connection is impossible due to unavoidable network failure or encumbrance of officialdom during legislative hours.

2. Cultivation of cordiality and maintenance of an unprecedented cordial relationship with all OBO people irrespective of political divide.


1. Free Transportation of over 400 Constituents traveling from Obanliku, Bekwarra and Obudu to school to cushion the effect of the Fuel and Transportation Hike during resumption of schools from Christmas celebration.

2. Payment of hospital bills for patients in Bekwarra General Hospital.

3. Payment of hospital bills for the less-privileged in different hospitals across Obudu

4. Regular Free fuel as palliative to cyclists and Drivers in Obudu to cushion the effect of the Removal of fuel Subsidy.

5. Prompt visit and distribution of relief materials to the Balegate community that was raided and displaced by the Amasodonia Militants.


Beyond the above modest strides, I am glad to declare that I have decided to mark my first year in office with the following.

1. Thanksgiving interdenominational Solemn Assembly at the Obudu Civic Centre.

2. Meeting with stakeholders in the three LGAs of our Constituency at designated centers.

3. Distribution of Sewing Machines and Grinding Machines to selected beneficiaries across the Federal Constituency.

4. Distribution of writing materials to pupils and students in selected Primary and Secondary Schools across the Federal Constituency.

5. Payment of school fees for selected pupils and students in selected Primary and Secondary Schools across the Federal Constituency.

6. Laying of Foundation Stone for school blocks in selected schools across the Federal Constituency.

7. Commissioning of projects completed within my first year in office.

Generally speaking, it may be considered incontestable that my approach to representation has been guided by a singular focus on people-centered representation. As earlier noted, since taking office, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to initiating programs, policies and interventions that bring me closer to my Constituents and prioritize their needs and well-being. I have heard that my regular visits to the constituency in and out of season have raised positive gossip that has earned me the Nickname “The Village Politician”. I shall never change or relent. I rather hope to do more throughout my tenure, as I await the Budgetary Provisions and implementation of our Constituency needs and proposals before the Federal Government of Nigeria.

It must be added and noted that in every clime, detractors abound. Like women married to the same man, who always feign unconsciousness of the glaring beauty of their mates, such detractors have permanently elected to void or discredit our strides. I sincerely acknowledge their inglorious indulgence but I shall never be distracted or deterred by them. Some have had several opportunities, which they squandered and rather deployed for fertilization of discord and acrimony, instead of furthering our progress. I am convinced that as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day”. I am therefore confident that bit by bit, we shall overcome our challenges and developmental tasks. I appeal for continued patience and assure you that disappointment shall never be our portion.

Indeed, I lack the capacity, especially in material terms, to thank you enough for your continued prayers and support for me. Only God can bless and reward you all enough. I so pray therefore, that His abundant blessings be let loose to shower unceasingly on you, to the glory of our dear OBO Federal Constituency. OBO Constituency is our project. Its upliftment is our collective task. Together, we shall demolish all the mountains and refill all the valleys that dare to stand between us and the attainment of our collective desires.





Thank you.