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By the time Africa muddle through and overcomes the challenge of Basic Needs – according to Abraham Maslow – namely; Safety and Security, Food, Clothe, and Shelter, I doubt she would still “need God”. The reason is, all our gospels today focus on delivering the basic needs – Safety, Security, Food, clothes, Shelter. 

It is dangerous to present God in this light. What God offers is worth more than food and raiment and shelter, etc. He offers life – eternal life.

Karl Marx is quoted to have said that “religion is the opium of the masses, the sigh of the oppressed creature.” This is evident in Africa.

It seems to me that our pursuit of God is merely inspired by our situation – the need for security, safety, food, clothes, and shelter. And at anytime these needs – basic though – are fixed, God would be irrelevant.

Imagine that you wake up one morning to a new Africa without any threat to life; health care facilities and institutions are fixed at every level; you can eat, dress good and live in good houses; what would you be doing with God? Why would you be praying? Why would you still seek fellowship with the brethren, etc?

God must mean more than security, safety, food, clothe, and shelter to be relevant in our lives and society. This misconception and misrepresentation of God are why China tries to be an Atheistic State, it is why Europe and America have largely lost interest in Christ. It is the reason India has more than 36 million gods.

Africa is already toeing that path to an atheistic, agnostic, and secularist continent. Because we thought that godliness – according to Apostle Paul – is for gain (trivial mundane necessities and achievements). Christ must mean more than that to appeal to all nations of the earth. Christ is the solution to the world, but the church missed to represent Him correctly.

The gospel of poverty alleviation is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. Poverty in Africa is largely is a systemic problem, not a choice. Yes, Christ has a system of social safety and He cares about people’s needs. But He is keener on the culture. Because an integrated culture can produce everything else.

Hence, seek ye first the kingdom – culture – of God, and all these things – safety, security, food, clothe, and shelter – shall be added unto you. For the Father knows that you need these things (Matthew 6:31-33 KJV).

Our problem is cultural.

In 2008, God said to me expressly, “no man working for me and turning to the world will be able to make it in the dimension of the world…”

It has taken me 13 years to completely understand that one sentence. 13 years with unfolding circumstances in my personal life and around the world.

Jesus tarrying if we don’t want to look back 10 years down the line and ask, where are the believers in Christ?, then we need a new model for the Church.


Ikakke Bassey writes from Uyo, Nigeria