Every lawyer knows that the basic principle of interpreting any document is not to read into the document what is not written clearly on the document. That’s basic. Very basic.
And oral evidence cannot explain the contents of a document which is very clear and unambiguous.
That’s why I have been trying to reconcile the clear content of this letter and the oral evidence or explanation from the said pastor being bandied around in public.
You said the pastor was sacked because he couldn’t meet up his target in raising tithes, offerings or even the amount of his salary. I heard that is what the pastor said. But unless there is another letter or statement from Winners Chapel saying this, I will have to conclude emphatically that the pastor is lying.
The letter only said that he is being released due to his inability to meet the expected church growth index. Read that again: EXPECTED CHURCH GROWTH INDEX.
Before the pastor was appointed he must have been given an EXPECTED church growth index to meet. He failed to do that and he was released on that count and he is turning round to attack and ridicule Winners Chapel.
Well, I’m not a member of Winners Chapel and I’m not holding their brief; however, what I know for certain is that attack and ridicule has never defeated the spread of the gospel.
Brethren, let your hearts and faith not be troubled. The gates of hell shall never prevail against the church. Peace be with you.
– Written by Firsts Baba Isa (FBI)