C’River approves Computerised Vehicle Inspection Services

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Government of Cross River state has approved the Computerised Vehicle Inspection Services as part of measures to address the problem of road worthiness across the state.

NEGROIDHAVEN garnered that this development which was disclosed recently by the Chief Vehicle Inspection Officer in the state, Engr Paul Bepeh, who confirmed that construction will commence this July 2021.

Bepeh further added that the centres and services will employ technology in ascertaining road worthiness. As it stands, the level of road worthiness compliance in Cross River is 50 percent.

His words, ‘the good news is that, His Excellency the Governor has approved the Computerised Vehicle Inspection centres across the 18 LGAs like it is done globally.

It is a standard practice where the VIOs do not only use eyes to examine the vehicle… with the use of machines and tools that assists you to know ooo this tyre… we have tyre gauge, we have tyre testers but, they’re like pencils we drop in between the tail of the tyre and know the wellness. But, this one is going to be done by a machine. We are commencing the construction of those centres this month.

‘After the inspection, every vehicle is given a tag –a road worthiness tag, to show that yes, this vehicle has passed a test. If it is a commercial vehicle it is allowed to ply the road for one year. If it is an individual vehicle, it is allowed to ply the road for 6 months.

‘And we can easily identify it when you see it because the sticker will be conspicuous in such away that once the vehicle is getting closer they can only slow it down to look at their weight scale. You don’t need to check the person’s particulars any longer, because it is a technology that will ease movement of traffic’, the traffic boss continued.

Particularly, the centres will be in Calabar, Ugep, Ikom, Ogoja and Obudu. Bepeh stressed that it is only vehicles that have passed through the system that will be allowed to ply the road: ‘The essence of this thing is to save lives’, he said.