Boki Youths: Shaking the Table of Violence —Modlin Odu

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Odu|8 July 2018 
Looking around at the casualties in the land dispute clash, Borum oil palm estate crisis and cultism in Boki, I get affrighted of what the nearest future holds for us, the youths. So, I shall not vindicate myself or anyone. Let the free be free indeed and the guilty, guilty as well.
You want to be relevant? Be hardworking and creative. Many of the young boys carrying arms in Boki have not changed their tooth brush for a year. Some wear torn boxers and singlets with heartbreaking body odour. Yet, they carry guns worth over 200,000 naira. Where is the wisdom in this heinous acts? Hard man but yet speak very terrible grammar and many cannot even spell their names. What makes us hard then? The drugs we take to boost our strength, or the charms we fortify ourselves with? Wake up my fellow Boki youths.
Cultism is a group for inferior people. People that are mentally, physically and morally weak. People don't fear us for being one, they avoid us for being unwise. The cultists perpetrating these evils in Boki are school drop outs, colossal failures and societal misfits unless we repent, we are heading for doom. Why join something we can not be proud of? How many sane people including those using us can proudly introduce us to the world. Now, everyone including those sponsoring us are dissociating themselves from us in public, talking in condemnation of our activities. The politicians supplying us with arms and encouraging us to cause chaos is as useless and powerless as bread soaked in water if we refuse to do their dirty jobs. When we are arrested, they go to bail us, but doesn't change our stigma of being ex-convicts. An ex convict can never be employable in any serious organization.
After taking Tramadol and the likes, Indian hemp and others, we dive into the bush to fight for lands, kill ourselves, destroy properties, incite our communities into war for a land we have vehemently refused to have the capacity to put it into use. We become willing tools of the devil.
Mention in all the communities of Boki, one youth of 20-30years of age that is being celebrated as the greatest hunter in the community. If none, what then are they using guns for? How about in farming? Academics? Skilled labour? None? God!
"Local championship" is good but give it some class by engaging in praise worthy exploits. In activities that brings appraisals and developments to our land rather than reproach. The Boki of 10-15 years ago knew cultism but not as pronounced as now. 
Youths beat up elders, abuse them and even ostracize them from the community. Is this not enough curse on ourselves? That elders should be scared of their own children. They make decisions and youths counter it unreasonably and disrespectfully, they even go as far as beating up elders. Where did we learn this barbarism. It is completely lunatic of us. 
The end is near for many who will not refrain from such acts. Before, during and after your end, Boki will continue to exist. 
Is a social commentator