Chimamanda as a Megalomaniac? —by Simon Utsu

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Simon Utsu|7 September 2017 
It would have been better if Chimamanda Ngozi-Adichie kept quiet —I don't think there was any need to issue a disclaimer —because it ended up sounding like she was tacitly and intelligently distancing herself from the struggle. Silence would have been much better. If not for anything, for the fact that her opinion as a VIP holds a lot of weight —from the eye of the media, her statement was a heavy one —dozens of catchy headlines could be spun from it and the bulk of them would tilt in the direction of her being against the agitation for Biafra. 
But why should she? I'm quite sure that being a very knowledgeable lady, she's well aware of the very unprofitable and unworkable system of government Nigeria has been operating for decades? One that is designed to favour only a particular group/tribe. And after using a narrative of the Biafran war to get herself into the limelight(half of a yellow sun), she's now distancing herself from anything that has to do with Biafra? Why? I think this lady has an overbloated ego. Because I'm quite sure such statements have been attributed to more accomplished Igbos like Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Emeka Anyaoku‎, Philip Asiodu etc and none of them ever came out to issue rebuttals because they knew the implications! 
I remember couple of years back when she featured in Beyonce's "flawless" feminist-themed hit track. In the euphoria that followed it's release and the critical acclamation she got, I remember she said something like "my brand of feminism is superior to Beyonce's" even when she wasn't asked by anyone. I also remember she got some heavy backlash from Beyonce's fans and music lovers worldwide because of that needless reaction!
Scottish writer, JK‎ Rowling (Harry Potter, fantastic beasts etc) uses her social media to push for Scottish independence (from Britain) at every given opportunity. And Northern Irish legendary rocker, Bono of U2 has never been against the clamour for Northern Ireland's independence (from Britain), he only voiced out his disdain in the past, for the violent activities of the IRA which is the militant wing of the Irish separatist party, Shin Fein. 
Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie has proven herself to be an attention-seeking megalomaniac!‎ I hope she grows out of this bad habit with time.

Simon Utsu
Is a Social Commentator