Ifere Paul’s social media account has been hacked

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Efio-Ita Nyok|9 September 2016

Reliable information reaching Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven) has it that the social media account especially Facebook of foremost critic of the government of Cross River State, the Yakurr-born Ifere Paul has been hacked.

According to his counsel, First Baba Isa Esq., 'The Facebook Account of our client, Ifere Paul, has been hacked by specialists brought in from India by suspected persons in the CRSG'.

Isa cautions against regarding 'any communication emanating from any Ifere Paul as he can no longer access the account for now'.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven)