Efio-Ita Nyok|6 August 2016
The Non Governmental Organisation Coalition for Environment( NGOCE) in Cross River State just concluded a Capacity Building Training Workshop on 4th August, 2016, tagged 'YOU LEAD' in partnership with CUSO.
You Lead is a programme developed by CUSO International with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and implemented by Mennonite Economic Developement Associates( MEDA), Institute of Public Administration in Canada (IPAC), Cross River State Government and other Local Partners.
The programme is designed to help equip young women and men with skills to developed new businesses in the natural resource sectors taking special cognizance of the Cross River Rainforest, so they can build a better future for themselves.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven)