Fmr Speaker’s Wife Slams men over Michelle Obama’s Oratory at the DNC 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Efio-Ita Nyok| August 2016

In reaction to the remarkable oratory prowess made by Her Excellency Michelle Obama, wife of President Barack Obama of the United States in the recently concluded Democratic National Convention held between 25-28 July 2016 In Philadelphia, where Sen Hillary Clinton accepted her nomination as presidential aspirant in the forthcoming November 2016 presidential elections, and considering that the oratory prowess of Mrs Obama at the DNC 2016 was widely acclaimed by both men and women across the world including Cross River nay Nigeria, the wife of the former Speaker of the 7th Cross River State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Francis Busam Adah, Mrs Iwi Adah has taken a swipe at the chauvinistic inclination in majority of Nigerian men.

On her social media account, Iwi began by observing that, 'Some Nigerian men will be hailing Michele Obama for her incisive and brilliant speech and comparing their women disdainfully with her when they can't even stand their women having a voice of their own or owning a social media account'.

'The Michele that God gave you, you turned her into a voiceless, coward slave judged solely by her prowess in bed and her performance in the kitchen', Iwi indictingly lamented.

She particularly took exceptional notice of men who are threatened by the prospect of their wife evolving into career ladies. Indeed, some men with a dysfunctional ego can't stand the idea of their spouses having a Ph.D. Iwi best captures it when she quipped thus: 'How can you have a Michele Obama when you are angry that your woman wants to obtain a Ph.D degree, become more educated than you are and judge her wife materialness by her ability to kneel down like prayer mood, wash plates, pound yam by midnight and prepare Ogbono soup. Are you serious at all?'.

She concluded her criticism against what may be tagged masculine chauvinism by charging guilty men, 'Please my people Build your Micheles…'

What Negroid Haven could not authoritatively garner is whether Mrs Iwi is writing based on her personal experience in her marital home or from a third-party observation of trends in society.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of (Negroid Haven)