Obasesam Okoi|6 February 2016|8:50pm
We've entered the age of deception. Good morning seems to be only truth coming out of Peregrino. It's almost one year in office…And…
1. A superhighway is nonexistent.
2. The Green Police is nonexistent after the governor had ordered the sale of employment forms to suffering youth and pregnant women.
3. The garment factory that was promised would be completed under 100 days is still at the foundation level, with only stanchions held in place.
4. The employment of 1000 youth that was promised will happen in 100 days is still a mirage.
5. The Rice City campaign that generated political effervescence online, beginning with the shameless display of the governor's photographs with a group of office assistants representing a Thai company, suddenly sublimed after some of us researched and mustard alternative evidence challenging the credibility of the MOU and the capacity of the said company to undertake such project with external funding instruments.
5. I waited at the Margaret Ekpo International Airport in Calabar to take the monorail that was promised will be completed in one month and didn't see any.
6. I concluded that governor Imoke has done the worst thing to Cross River not because he didn't deliver on his promises. No. He delivered on his promises. I don't know about everything, but I do know that in August 2012 he stood at the Ugep stadium and promised an ITM. It came to pass in 2014. Imoke killed Cross River by entrusting our destiny to a psychopath who spent the past ten months trying to recover the life he missed as a youth by dancing shoki music and exchanging handshakes aggressively, exactly what the touts in Calabar south does.
7. So far, the only credible appointments in Ayade's government are Education Commissioner and Special Adviser on Health. The young lady is exposed and seems to have outperformed the health Commissioner. At least Goddy Ettah started well by using statistical indicators to measure our ranking on education at the time he resumed office as Commissioner. His performance will be evaluated against the changes over time.
Obasesam Okoi
Is an Obudu- born Cross Riverian and emotion.